Checklist for online applications

Before making an online application for a Master's Programme at the University of Copenhagen, it is important to be aware of a number of points of information. Therefore, please read through the below list carefully, and save it on your computer or print it out for reference when filling in your application.

  • Carefully consult the website of the programme for application requirements

All Master's Programmes at the University have a website which explains how to apply and what kind of documentation and information you need to provide when applying. It is vitally important that you familiarise yourself with these requirements before you start your application. You can find the relevant websites in the list of all programmes in English (Master's programmes A-Z) or all programmes in Danish (Kandidatuddannelser A-Z). The website will also provide a link to use to create a new application.

  • Choose language before you log in

At the top of the portal welcome page, you can choose to view the online portal in English or Danish before you log in. It is important to note that once you have logged in, the language can no longer be changed, so make sure it is set correctly on the welcome page.

Once you start the application, you can choose in which language you wish to receive messages from the system. Note that neither of these language settings for applications are related to the teaching language of the programme itself.

Check "Start time"

  • Choose the right start date

Because there are many application periods for various programmes, and some periods overlap from one semester to the next, it is possible to get mixed up and apply for a programme with the wrong start date. Please be careful to check the column indicating the start date when choosing the programme you are applying for.

  • You can only submit three applications for the same start date

The University of Copenhagen only accepts a maximum of three Master's Programme applications from one person for the same start date. If you submit more than three applications for the same start date, only the three applications with the highest priorities will be processed and the rest will be rejected.

  • Understand data exchange

The first page of the application form provides a service called data exchange, which can be used to automatically import your educational data from any of the Danish universities that are participating in the programme. The benefit of doing this is that you then do not have to manually upload documentation for your educational background.

If the data exchange fails, or if your university is not on the list of options to exchange from, that does not make your application invalid. It simply means that you need to upload your Bachelor's Degree diploma and any other information about your educational background manually.

In order for the data exchange to work, it must be possible to establish a connection to the student information database for the chosen university, and if such a connection cannot be established for whatever reason, the exchange will fail. If the connection fails, you can choose to save your application as a draft and return to try again later.

  • Confirm that you can receive messages from the portal

The first thing that happens after you submit an application is that you receive a receipt of delivery message. This message is stored within the Messages tab of your start page in the portal, and whenever you receive a new message, an email is generated and sent to the email address that is registered on the application. The sender is, and it is important that you make sure that you have received this email and that the sender is set as a trusted email address.

The reason this is important is that any future messages about your application will be sent in the same way, including requests for additional documentation with a deadline for reply. If you receive a message from the portal, but the email notification is filtered into your spam folder and you do not see it, you can risk having your application rejected because you did not reply to a request for required information.