Academic matters

Find information about academic matters and important information about studying at the University of Copenhagen.
The academic year is divided into two semesters: autumn semester (September to January) and spring semester (February to June). The official semester dates are:
Autumn semester: 1 September – 31 January
(classes typically end in December)
Spring semester: 1 February – 30 June
(classes typically end in May/early June)
Study start/Orientation activities typically take place in the week before the official start of the semester. Please contact the individual departments to confirm their specific teaching schedules.
Block structure
While most faculties run courses in either the autumn or spring semester, both the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences also use a block structure, where semesters are divided into blocks.
Blocks 1 and 2 are in the autumn semester, blocks 3 and 4 are in the spring semester.
- Academic calendar of the Faculty of Science.
- Academic calendar of the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and the Master’s programme in Global Health: Please write to
General holidays and breaks
Spring semester 2025
17-21 April: Easter Holidays
29 May: Ascension Day
5 June: Constitution Day
9 June: Whit Monday
Autumn semester 2025
13–17 October: Autumn holiday
24 December – 1 January: Christmas and New Year
Download detailed information about the structure of the academic year.
To welcome you and help you settle into life as a University of Copenhagen student, you will be invited to attend an orientation programme or session at the beginning of your stay. Attending orientation is an important step of starting university, so attendance is considered essential.
You will be invited to take part in the orientation programme at the faculty or faculties where you have registered for courses.
If you have any questions or wish to attend another orientation meeting, please contact the exchange team at the relevant faculty:
To help you get a good start, the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) has a well-organised mentor/buddy programme.
What is a Mentor/Buddy Programme?
UCPH offers mentor/buddy programmes across five faculties (however, the Faculty of Humanities organises a range of social events for international students instead).
The purpose of the mentor/buddy programme is to create a social network for international students and UCPH students through different types of activities during the semester. You will also be matched with a UCPH student or a group of UCPH students and other mentees. The UCPH student(s) will help you settle in during your stay in Denmark and give you an introduction to student life in Copenhagen. The programmes are run by volunteers and we expect you to participate actively in your programme.
Close to your study start, you will be invited to join one or more mentor/buddy programmes.
Please note that we cannot guarantee that a mentor/buddy will be assigned to you as there are a limited number of spots.
KUnet is the name for UCPH's intranet.
Once you have been admitted, you will be able to log in to KUnet, which has useful links to your UCPH e-mail account (KUmail), timetable, links to course information, as well as news from your studies.
After you have been nominated by your home university, we will send you an invitation to apply and create your UCPH e-mail account (known as KUmail).
During the application process as well as your stay, you will receive e-mails to this address, so make sure to check your KUmail account regularly.
As a student at UCPH, you will need a student ID card. We will write to you 3-4 weeks before the start of the semester with information on how to order your ID card.
Use of the ID card
The card identifies you as a student at the University and you must remember to bring it when you sign up for and sit your exams. You can also use your ID card to access university buildings outside regular opening hours, printing, student discounts in bookshops, museums, theatres, etc., and as a library card.
If you lose your ID card
You can block your Student ID card at KUnet. The function in KUnet is in Danish. In order to block your card, log on to KUnet, choose Student Self-Service --> ID kort --> spær ID kort --> tick the box and click "spær valgte". A new student ID card will automatically generated within a few working days.
Study programmes at UCPH are divided into three levels and follow a 3+2+3 structure.
This means 3 years of bachelor studies, 2 years of master studies, and 3 years PhD studies. Only a few degrees differ from this model.
At UCPH, you will experience many different types of teaching during your studies. Each programme consists of a mix of lectures and tutorials. Some include student presentations and project-based work, and many programmes also have practical assignments as well as lab- and fieldwork.
Students are assessed after taking one of the following types of examinations: paper, written examination, oral examination, or active participation. In addition, some courses may require the successful completion of written, oral, or practical assignments during the course.
The University of Copenhagen uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which defines a full study load for one year as 60 ECTS. The number of credits awarded for each course varies depending on the workload.
Your exam will be assessed according to the Danish 7-point scale (see below) or by pass/fail. The lowest passing grade is 02.
Pass grades cannot be changed to a numeric grade or vice versa. Therefore, it is important that you check with your home university if you can receive credit for courses for which only “pass” will be assigned.
Grading Scale
12: For an excellent performance
10: For a very good performance
7: For a good performance
4: For a fair performance
02: For an adequate performance
00: For an inadequate performance
-3: For an unacceptable performance
More information about the Danish grading system.
Publication of examination results
Results of ordinary examinations will be published under ‘Self Service' on KUnet.
Plagiarism and cheating
The term plagiarism refers to the unacknowledged use of someone else's ideas; in other words, you plagiarise when you present someone else's thoughts or ideas as your own or copy text that you have not written yourself. You should at all times present your own work for the exams and should give correct references for all quotations, ideas, and arguments from other sources.
Solemn declaration
When you submit a paper, you have to make a solemn declaration along with the paper. You make the solemn declaration directly in Digital Exam. With the solemn declaration, you declare that you have written your paper in accordance with the regulations concerning academic integrity established in "Disciplinary measures towards students at the University of Copenhagen" and elaborated in the "General Instructions for Examinations" written by the Department of Sociology.
Exam appeals
If you are dissatisfied with an exam result or the way an exam has been conducted, you are entitled to appeal. This appeal should be in writing (with reasons given) and sent together with the form “Examination appeal” (find the form in KUnet). These must be sent no later than two weeks after the exam result has been published to the faculty/department in charge of the course.
You can find more information on KUnet and in the Danish Ministerial Order on University Examinations and Grading (the Examination Order).
If you are enrolled at the University of Copenhagen and decide that you would like to extend your stay, you can apply for an extension of your admission period.
We strongly recommend students to apply for an extension at least 2–3 months before the end of their stay due to the course selection deadlines. Students who apply later may find that the courses they wish to take are already filled up.
To apply for an extension, you must ask your home university to send an e-mail to the International Education office ( confirming that you can extend your stay as an exchange student.
Note: An extension is not guaranteed until you have received official confirmation from the International Education office. The processing time for extensions is typically 3–4 weeks.
Non-EU/EEA students should be aware that they will have to apply for a residence permit/visa extension (costing approximately DKK 2,115). International Education will contact you about the process if this is relevant to you.
Also, remember to talk to your landlord or Housing Foundation Copenhagen about extending your stay.