Onboarding at UCPH

To study at a new university in another country may entail many questions and a sense of insecurity. The University of Copenhagen strives to give all new students a warm welcome and to make sure that you are informed about all important details of your stay, including both academic and social matters.

Orientation at UCPH

You will be invited to an orientation when you begin your studies at UCPH. Here, you will get all the practical information and tools necessary for a rewarding academic, cultural and personal experience.

Orientation may vary from faculty to faculty, but you will most likely hear about:

  • The academic culture at UCPH
  • Exams
  • Getting around on campus
  • How to use the different UCPH platforms
  • What it’s like to live in Denmark, including interesting tips on Danish culture
  • Innovation, green initiatives, research on current topics and much more
  • Meet and talk to other international students

Mentor programmes

The mentor programmes at UCPH are organised by the individual faculty or department. You can sign up/apply for a mentor programme after you have been admitted to UCPH. The mentor programmes are very popular and, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will be assigned a mentor.

The programmes are run by volunteers from UCPH, however not all faculties or departments offer a mentor programme. Getting a mentor can be a great way to kick-start your social life in Copenhagen and to help you with practical matters at the university, for example:

  • Giving you a warm welcome
  • Helping you get settled in Copenhagen
  • Inviting you to events with other students
  • Answering questions about the University and the city.

Academic culture at UCPH

When studying abroad, you are likely to experience differences in the academic culture from what you are used to in your home country.
In general, the Danish education system is built on unwritten rules about mutual respect, trust and independence.

International students always notice the flat hierarchy between lecturers and students. Students call lecturers by their first name and not by title, and you could say that respect is earned on an individual basis in the interaction with students rather than through a traditional hierarchy.

Lecturers rarely practice one-way communication only. Instead, the teaching is often based on student involvement and open debate where problem-based learning methods encourage students to express themselves. This may differ from what you are accustomed to and may take some time getting used to.

As a student, you are encouraged to engage in your learning process and to think critically. The Danish academic tradition depends on the ability to make clear, transparent and valid argumentation, and you will be evaluated based on your ability to work with course material in a critical and independent manner.

During classes, you may experience a high level of student independence when solving problems, however, the use of group work is also highly practiced. You may experience a focus on teamwork rather than on fierce competition.

Ways of learning at UCPH



Getting to know the different platforms and contact points at UCPH

There are many new things to get to know when you start your studies at UCPH. It is important that you familiarise yourself with the different platforms and contact points at UCPH. 

Read more about login to UCPH digital platforms.




Mobility-Online is an application platform you can use to send your application. Read more about the application process here.







If you have any problems with the digital platforms or your KUmail, you can always contact UCPH IT.

Tel: 35 32 32 32

E-mail: KU-IT-Support@ku.dk




Kurser.ku.dk is the UCPH course catalogue





Kunet.dk is the University’s intranet, which you will get access to after you have been admitted to UCPH.



Absalon is the platform where you can see course content and information when you have registered for courses.



 Eksamen.ku.dk is the platform for submitting exam papers online.



Studies.ku.dk is the website for all international students who want to know more about studying at UCPH.


Student wellbeing

Students’ well-being is very important to the University. UCPH has a big focus on the study environment and will continuously work with the project Good Student Life, which involves specific initiatives to support student well-being and create a good student life. 

Campus life

Read more about getting around on campus etc.