Study structure

The study structure at the University of Copenhagen is divided into three levels and follows a 3+2+3 structure. Three years of undergraduate studies lead to a bachelor’s degree and an additional two years lead to a master’s degree.

Only a few degrees differ from this model. A master's degree obtained from UCPH can be extended with three more years of postgraduate work leading to a PhD degree.

Structure of education

3 + 2 + 3 structure

Schedule of structure of education at UCPH
Teaching and exams

At UCPH, you will experience many different types of teaching during your studies.

Each programme consists of a mix of lectures and tutorials. Some include student presentations and project-based work, and many programmes also have practical assignments as well as lab and fieldwork.

Students are assessed after taking one of the following types of examinations: exam paper, written on-site exam, oral exam or active participation. In addition, some courses may require the successful completion of written, oral or practical assignments during the course.


Academic calendar

The academic calendar is divided into two semesters: autumn semester (September to January) and spring semester (February to June).

Faculties and programmes use the semester structure except for:
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science
School of Pharmaceutical Science
The Master’s programme in Global Health.

Here, the courses are organised in a block structure, dividing the academic year (60 ECTS) into four nine-week blocks.

Study structure at ucph and academic calendar

Credit system

UCPH uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) which defines a full study load for one year as 60 ECTS. The number of credits awarded for each course varies depending on the workload. Find out more about the Danish credit system.